All aircraft models, except the G1000, are using the S-TEC 55 Autopilot. The autopilot controls pitch and roll, to reduce pilot’s workload. It is IFR capable and can work with VOR/ILS for navigation and precision approaches, as well with the on-board GPS.
For operating instructions read X-Plane's S-TEC 55 manual.
Shows of info about the autopilot.
Vertical Indications
The vertical indications shos the status of the autopilot.
When not engaged, RDY (ready) is displayed, or FAIL if the AP is not operational.
CWS indicates the use of Control Wheel Steering.
GPSS indicates that the navigation source is the GPS.
Horizontal Indications
The horizontal indications will be dicussed in the Operation part of this document.
Engage/Disengage the Autopilot
The AP (autopilot) does not have an on/off button. To engage the AP, press one of the lateral modes buttons HDG or NAV. To disengane the AP, use the up or down trim.
Heading Mode
Pressing the HDG button, the AP engages, and the aircraft will steer to the heading bug. HDG is diplayed on the AP display.
NAV mode
Pressing the NAV button will engage the AP (if not engaged). NAV is displayed.
If the NAV source does not receive signal, the AP will steer the aircraft to a 45° right offset of the heading bug.
To intercept a radial to/from a receiving VOR there are 2 methods:
Method #1: Fly an intercepting track in HDG mode and set the desired radial in the Course Indicator (CI).
Press the area between HDG and NAV buttons, where the <--> maipulator is visibl. Both HDG and NAV are shown on the display.
When the deviation is about 2.5 dots, NAV only in displayed. At this point you must set the heading bug to the same course as the CI.
If failed to set the heading bug to the same course as CI, the autopilot will command the aircraft to follow the radial! The aicraft will fly on a heading, offset to the radial, depending of the lateral deviation.
In NAV mode, always match the heading bug with the CI course! Also, keep in mind that the AP will command the aircraft to fly an "correction" heading, when there is crosswind, to maintain the desired radial.
Method #2: As you fly in HDG mode, set the desired course in the CI, press the NAV button, and set the heading bug to the same course as the CI. The autopilot will command the aircraft to fly at an offset (45°, 30°, or 10°), depending on the lateral deviation and distance from the station. When the aircraft is establish on the radial, the aircraft will fly that course, correcting for winds.
The same cautions, as in method #1 are in force in this method too. Also, make sure that what you are asking the autopilot to do makes sense. For example, if you are too close to a VOR station, and request to capture inbound a radial that is not close to your position, the capture might not happen, or capture something that we don't want.
Vertical Speed Mode
With the AP engaged, press the VS button, and the AP will command the aircraft to hold the vertical speed at the time of engagement. Use the knob to adjust VS to desire value. VS will be displayed and the value of the vertical speed, in 100s feet. For example, a VS of 500 ft/min of climb is displayed as +05, while a VS of 1100 ft/min descend is displayed as -11.
ALT mode
Pressing the ALT button, will level off at the altitude the aircraft was, when the button was pressed.
VS and ALT mode
For the G5 and G500 models, you can set through the avionics, a target altitude for the autopilot to level off. To do so, the AP must be engaged, and you must set the correct altitude setting in both altimeters, one in the G5/G500 PFD and the analog. Set in the PFD the desired target altitude. Then press the area between the ALT and VS buttonsm where the <--> manipulator is visible. This will engange the VS mode and arm the ALT capture mode. Both ALT and VS are displayed. Use the knob to adjust the vertical speed. The aicraft will level off at the assigned altitude.
This mode is not available for the C23 Original model. Press the ALT button to level off, when you are at the desired altitude.
For the G5 and G500 models, the source altimeter for the AP is the one in the PFD. If the altimeters have different settings, the AP will level off using the one in the PFD, and the analog one might show a different altitude.