The radio stack is common for the Original, G5, and G500 models. For the G1000 model, radios are controlled via the G1000 avionics suite.
AMR-350 TSO Audio Panel
- Marker Beacon Indicators: They lit up as you pass over the Outer, Middle, or Inner markers. They also all lit up when the marker knob is at TEST position.
- COM1/COM2/EXT Knob: With the AUTO toggle switch to SPEAKER or PHONE, and COM 1 and COM 2 switches at the center position, the microphone and speaker (or headphones) are connected to the radio selected by the switch.
- AUDIO Toggle Switches: Controls the output for each radio. In the middle position, audio is disabled. At the SPEAKER position, the audio is heard through cabin speakers. At the PHONE position, the audio is heard through the headphones. Make sure to connect the headphones, at the lower left panel (1).
- MARKER Knob: Control the sensitivity of the marker beacon receiver. At HIGH position, gives advanced indication of approach to a marker. Switching to low, after signal acquisition, will provide more accurate indication of station passage. At TEST position, check if the lights (1) are working.
Collins Comm & Nav
Those are the COM 2 and NAV 2 radio control units. The VOLume knob, turned fully counter clockwise, removes power from the unit. The large frequency knob selects the MHz, and the small one the KHz.
COM 1 and NAV 1 are controlled via the GPS.
ADF-650 TSO ADF Receiver
- Volume and Mode Controls: The outer knob controls ADF's mode. The selected mode is shown above the knobs. The inner knob controls ADF's volume. If turned fully counter clockwise, will remove power from the unit.
- Frequency Knobs: Use them to set ADF's frequency.
TDR-950 TSO Transponder
- Mode Knob: Selects the desired mode.
- IDENT Button/Indicator: Press it to reply IDENT to ATC when asked. The button also flashes as the transponder responds to interrogations. Twist the button to adjust the brightness.
- Code Knobs: Use the knobs to set the squawk code.